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Support Sessions

Self-care is a pivotal step towards cultivating Self-Love.

Explore your journey of embodied transformation, healing, and rediscovering your Luminous Self.

Each session is designed to guide you back into resonance, coherence, and connection with the frequency of your Divine Self,

which is always guiding and supporting your path forward. 


With the exception of Access Consciousness Bars, all sessions are available in-person or remotely. 

Sacred Soul Sessions
Quantum Healing ~ Ancestral Healing ~ Spirit Integration ~ Soul Retrieval 

Sacred Soul Sessions are a Divinely-guided, integrated blend of modalities tailored to your specific needs and current circumstance. These sessions provide an opportunity for deep healing to take place in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, so that you can return to a fully embodied state of wholeness. 

Within the container of this intuitively guided quantum healing session, I assist you in getting to the root cause of the energetic blocks in your life contributing to patterns that create emotional, mental, physical and spiritual disharmony, and invite you to align to the greatest version of yourself.


I guide you to unlock codes that support you in transmuting, alchemizing, transcending or dissolving the energetic density that no longer supports your journey. We release entanglements at a cellular level in your body, from the ancestors, past lives, present life trauma, and others from this lifetime. Together, we create space for the fragmented Spirit to reintegrate your Being with the Light Within.


These sacred sessions provide an opportunity to permanently break the ancestral traumas and patterns, allowing healing for the entire lineage, and cultivating an embodied transformation that supports the expansion of your journey with grace and ease. This is an unfolding of the remembrance that you are whole, divinely guided, infinitely connected to Source, and unconditionally loved always, in all ways.

Quantum Energy Wellness Bed

The human body has an innate intelligence and is more than capable of repairing and maintaining itself. All it needs are the right conditions and resources.


The QEWB was designed to recreate the natural resources we lack through a powerful combination of heat, sound, vibrations, microcurrent, and quantum energy, assisting the body to reach total-body wellness.


These ancient healing and quantum technologies help you reach a meditative state, promotes deep relaxation, increases awareness, reduces pain, lowers inflammation, reduces stress and supports your body's natural healing abilities.


The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of 100 hours spent in an un-groomed forest through only a short, 60-minute session on the bed. Sessions are available in-person or distance. 


Learn more about the QEWB and the research on the physical health benefits here


Vibrational Sound Therapy

The human experience is electric. Our bioelectric field stores information and responds to the outside world. Vibrations and frequencies in and around us can create disharmony in our fields, which can cause physical as well as emotional disturbances.

Since ancient times, sound has been used for healing, with profound effects on the body's cells and biological systems.


Using tuning forks I'm able identify areas in your field where you are currently out of resonance, or "blocked". By aligning with the sound and vibration of the forks, your body begins to attune to a more resonant frequency that supports a healing process to unfold, improving our voltage and electrical signature. This allows you to come back into a harmonious state, supporting the body to return to a state of health and healing.

Diagram of the human body with the nervous system highlighted

Somatic & Nervous System Regulation

These sessions are designed to help you achieve Neurological Fitness, guiding you into a regulated state of nervous system health and embodied healing. A regulated nervous system cultivates clarity and receiving insights needed for embodied transformation.


I help you gain awareness of your current neural state to recognize when you’re in fight, flight, fawn or freeze mode. Using tools and somatic exercises to support your body to shift into rest & digest mode, it begins to feel safe and relaxed for healing to integrate at a cellular, neurological level. In this state you feel fully-embodied, productive, playful, warm, and open to more engaged social interactions.


Having a balanced and regulated nervous system improves our mood, increases focus, balances emotions, reduces stress, anxiety & overwhelm, increases creativity & overall resilience, improves digestive function, regulates hormone & neurotransmitter production, and improves sleep & overall energy.


In extended containers over a period of time, I teach you how to utilize the in-between states and develop your Vagal Brake, which helps with overall resilience and ability to transition between states.

Access Consciousness Bars

Reduce the noise in your head and reconnect with your inner calm.


Access Consciousness Bars is a gentle bodywork process that helps you ease certain brainwaves and change synapses in your brain so that you can access possibilities again to create more in your life.


This gentle and relaxing session uses gentle touch on 32 points on your head to release the electromagnetic charge of all of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, and ideas that keep you stuck and repeating the same unsupportive patterns in your life over and over again.


Also known as The Bars, this process releases thousands of limiting viewpoints in different areas in your life and body, such as aging, healing, money, control, sexuality, communication, awareness, joy, sadness, creativity and so much more. By releasing these limiting views, you reduce the stress and anxiety around your thoughts about them and leads you to create more space in your mind and your life so you can live with more ease and more joy.


Integrated Embodiment Coaching

If you are ready to dive deep into the interconnectedness of your relationship to all aspects of your life – self, love, health, happiness, relationships, family, wealth, money, career, nature, then these sessions are for you. They take place in a container over an extended period of time, usually 3-6 months.


Each session is designed to help you uncover and transmute new layers of density that have prevented you from fully expanding into each area of your life, creating space to reintegrate all your fragmented and disassociated parts so that you can grow into the greatest embodied version of yourself.  


Each session is tailored to your unique needs and incorporates a blend of all the modalities I work with, as well as two decades worth of life coaching wisdom to support your healing and desired outcomes.


On this journey together, you will discover the hidden keys within that unlock the codes of your own embodied wisdom, the greatest one of all ~ You are the key you’ve been searching for. You will leave this container with a wealth of resources to support your life’s exploration of growth and expansion.

Reach out to explore how together, we can guide your Soul's healing journey to the next level of your evolution. 
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